Wingdings is a font in Microsoft Word, and some other comaptible programs. It completely uses icons instead of letters. If you type up a sentence and change it to Wingdings, symbols or icons replace the letters. There have been a couple of versions of Wingdings over the years. Some of the symbols used are religious, zodiac star signs and just common gestures, like directing arrows.
Wingdings Version 1
Everybody knows that Wingdings is a novelity font. its for fun! Used to make jokes. It is very handy for hiding the real words in an important document, which you can then change the font to read. If you are really keen some people use it as a way of communicating, by using the font like a code.
Wingdings Version 2
There have been two accounts of conspiracy surrounding the Wingdings font, the first was in the late ninetes when the first Wingdings font when translating 'NYC' became a skull, then Star of David, then proceeded with a thumbs up. This was believed to be on purpose to many conspirers, or too many others a mere conicidence. But nonetheless it caused a huge stir and outrage, and people believed the translation was on purpose or a hidden message to Jewish people.
The conspiracy around the font really catapulted after the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks in 2001, when the font when used created hidden messages, so people believed. For example the alleged flight number of one of the planes used in the terrorits attacks 'Q33 NY' when placed into Wingdings, translated to a plane then to rectangles, that were to people who perscribed to this conspiracy represented the two twin towers. The creators deny this, and then it turned out that all the flight numbers were completely different to the one Wingdings conspirers believed. At this time in history, this sort of conspiracy feed right into the fear that was created from the events of 9/11.
In my opinion this just played right into the fear of people at the time and the already continued the discrimination towards Jewish people, i beleive it was just coincidence. And believe too many people have too much time on their hands to come up with these sort of conspiracies, you don't always have to make something out of something else because you can. There are over 26 symbols in just one Wingdings font of 3 different versions of the font, with a number of religious symbols its just conincidence that those particular letters matched those symbols. Wingdings was not made with the intent of a conspiracy or secret code, to particular people in society. At least thats what i believe!
Wingdings Version 3
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