Which of these conspiracies do you think possible?

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Area 51

The Official Story?

Area 51 is a military base located in Southern Nevada in America. It is considerd to be a military base used for weapons testing and experimental aircraft testing. Area 51 obviously is military therefore everything that is known about the base is very secretive and confidential/classified. For many years due to its secrecy and remote location there have been conspiracies about what actually goes on at the base. The most famous conspiracies are that the base is used to hide or experiment on extra-terrestrial beings and objects. Including autopsies and other probing procedures on Aliens. Many people believe that the base contains UFO's that the US government has retrieved in an attempt to hide the truth about the existance of Aliens from outer space. The area around the base is restricted and the airspace above is restricted to only military use, but by pilots it is called 'the box' or 'the container'. This description only adds to the conspiracy, that the base contains alien objects or aliens themselves.

Over the years there have been hocuses and documentation trying to prove or show evidence of the conspiracies surrounding Area 51. With sightings of strange activties occurring around the base or seeing something strange go to the base but never seen again. Area 51 has also sparked lots of movies, tv shows and books, and public scrutiny which has snowballed the conspiracy theory.

Another interesting point to this conspiracy is the fact that the US government only acknowleged the existance of Area 51 in 1995, only after years previously denying its existance, Why lie about a military base existing? Why was this particular military base lied about for so many years? Maybe they have something to hide? Area 51 is also off limits to normal military personnel, if you trespass onto Area 51 there is a sanction that allows the private security guards to use deadly force. Many people who have trespassed have had follow up visits from the FBI. The area is also buried by motion sensors which blurs any image taken of the area.Many ex-military personnel who worked on experiments at the base have said that their experimental aircraft could be mistaken for UFO's.


My Opinion:

Basically it is a classified military base and due to its secrecy the publics imaginations have gone into hyperdrive. When people can't explain something they can't see they make something up that sounds just and plausible, Area 51 is just that a solution to unasnwered questions. The US government doesn't help the conspiracy but its military so they aren't going to explain it because its classified, which just increases the conjecture about the real activties that occur at the base.


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