Which of these conspiracies do you think possible?

Tuesday 2 October 2012

The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle

It is one of the most mysterious places that the world has to offer human thought and imagination. The Bermuda Triangle has been notorious for holding responsibility for the disappearance of countless vessels, aircraft and people over the last century, and many theorise as to why this particular spot in the Atlantic Ocean has had such a profound effect on nautical and aerial navigations. Theories that currently exist present differing degrees of believability, however one should decide out of their own assessment of the information concerning the Bermuda Triangle as to which theory they agree with and should not be intimidated into thinking a certain way unless sound and solid evidence legitimises that way of thinking.

The chief incident that has drawn much attention to the area is when in the year 1945, five U.S. Navy Avengers went missing. Better known under the name of Flight 19, this group of aircraft set out on their flight in clear weather and under the control of five greatly experienced pilots. Shortly afterwards, the command tower began receiving distress signals from the group indicating that they had gotten lost and that their compasses had ceased functioning. The flight never returned and investigations into the incident by the Navy failed to uncover any clues as to their disappearance.
Another lost ship is the S.S. Marine Sulphur Queen, which was a large tanker heading for Virginia from Texas. On board there was 15,000 tons of sulphur in molten form and sitting in heated tanks. The 3rd February 1963 was the last communication the ship had with the mainland.
In 1965 the crew of Plane 680 of the Air Force Reserve Command’s 440th Airlift Wing left Milwaukee on the Yankee Route, heading for Grand Turk Island which lies in the Bahamas. After stopping in Florida, they continued towards their destination, however they never reached it. The odd thing was that there were no signs of trouble within the communications, and that there was a maintenance crew on board. Some debris was found, however this could have been offloaded cargo.

These various unexplained disappearances have provoked speculations that the area within the triangle has connections of an otherworldly nature. Some have thought there to be some portal to another world somewhere within the perimeters, provoked in this way of thinking by the strange coincidence that the area has the highest incidences of UFO sightings. In turn, the area has quickly come to be commonly associated with aliens. The locations of wormholes have been speculated to exist at the entrances to blue holes.

There is another theory that links the Bermuda Triangle with the lost city of Atlantis. Through this theory the explanation of the disappearances comes from the effects of the lost advanced technologies of the Atlanteans, hidden beneath the waves and functioning without control. This theory was put forward by the much renowned psychic Edgar Cayce, who predicted that the western edge of the city would be discovered near and around the coast of Bimini district of the Bahamas. Surely enough, the ‘Bimini Road’ was discovered there in 1968. It was deemed as a naturally occurring structure at first, however there is some evidence arguing that the stones were placed their positions intentionally. Cayce himself claimed that while scuba diving, he found an underwater pyramid, entered it and discovered a crystal which he thought had supernatural properties. It is thought that these crystals were utilised by the Atlanteans in connection with their advanced technology and that these crystals emit some type of rays that interfere with the compasses of vessels and aircraft and disintegrate them in general. From marrying this theory with the alien theory, some have proposed that the Atlanteans themselves were an alien race from the Pleiades star cluster.

Another theory comes from Rob MacGregor and Bruce Gernon and was propagated into the spotlight through their book ‘The Fog: A Never Before Published Theory of the Buemuda Triangle Phenomenon’. According to their account, they experienced what they described as an ‘electric fog’ while flying over the Bermuda Triangle in the year 1970. On their way to Bimini, their plane was supposedly engulfed by a round-edged cloud from the Miami shoreline. They attempted to outfly the cloud, which seemed to be spreading and matching their speed, until they realised that they were in some type of tunnel. The navigational instruments ceased to function at that moment. Gernon made contact with the Air Traffic Control in Miami, who said that a plane could be seen over Miami. Gernon dismissed the notion that this was his plane, for it normally took 75 minutes to get to Miami and it had been 47 minutes. Suddenly, the cloud began to fade away and the navigational instruments resumed functioning. Gernon realises he was in fact directly over Miami and came to the conclusion that this ‘electric fog’ had given him a taste of time travel.


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