Which of these conspiracies do you think possible?

Thursday 11 October 2012

Ancient Aliens

Ancient Aliens

Aliens have always played a significant role in the human imagination. Their existence itself has been subject to numerous theories as well as multiple eye witness accounts and UFO sightings from around the globe. However, there exists a theory by the name of the ‘ancient astronaut theory’ which believes that humankind has been virtually insipid over the entire course of its development. According to the theory, almost every technological and customary development that even potentially encroaches upon the description of ‘sophisticated’ or ‘smart’ in any way being bestowed upon humankind by aliens.

These beings, of course, were more sophisticated that humankind and guided them through virtually everything. They brought with them superior knowledge of engineering, mathematics and science thousands of years ago and guided our ancestors towards the development of early civilization and ultimately diverted the whole course of humanity. It is in human religion where the fragments of an ancient memory of these visitors lie.

The theory gained prominence in 1968, when the Swiss writer Erich von Daniken published his bestseller ‘Chariots of the Gods?. Daniken is commonly regarded as the father of the ancient alien theory – sometimes called the ancient astronaut theory – just like Herodotus is regarded as the father of history, amongst other things. The majority of the evidence used to support this theory mainly derives from ancient religious texts which speak of human interactions with various gods and heavenly beings that descended from the sky. The Bible and Quran are used heavily, but not as heavily – not even close – as the Sanskrit Mahabarata, which makes its glorious appearance in almost every episode of the documentary series on the theory. The very reliable and promoter of any theory no matter how outrageous History Channel, airs the series.

Physical examples such as artworks and various ancient constructions are the next major source of evidence used. Artworks depicting strange, ambiguous or poorly drawn humans are commonly regarded as being depictions of alien-like beings and various mythological monsters such as Medusa are thought to be cross-bred products created by the visitors. Meanwhile, historical constructions such as Stonehenge are seen to be some sort of alien ship landing site or astronomical calculator, whilst the Pyramids are seen to be kooky machines that produced the gold of the Egyptians. Along with accepting the most fantastical theories regarding certain monuments, ‘ancient astronaut theorists’, as they call themselves,

Finally, the theory states that these alien visitors left numerous remnants in the ancient texts and constructions that foretell of a second coming to Earth. Will they come again? Who knows - given the things people believe nowadays. But of course I believe this! It’s on the History channel after all...

I’m not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens!

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