Which of these conspiracies do you think possible?

Thursday 11 October 2012

The New World Order

As shall be explained, the Illuminati are believed to be a strong advocate in the need for the New World Order.
This post shall explain in more depth what the Illuminati (and possibly other groups) are working towards.

What is the current 'world order'?

The current world order is the state of affairs in our modern society. The threat of overpopulation, global warming and potential food shortages which all threaten the world's population.

The world is currently run (if you accept this New World Order isn't already in control) by various governments across the world. Most of them meet at the United Nations to discuss the world's problems and attempt to resolve them. The UN does not have legitimacy however, unless supported by the other nations and any peacekeeping or military intervention must be funded by the UN's members.

So then - what is this supposed 'New World Order' - it sounds like it could fix some of these problems?

The New World Order


Academic Dr John Coleman is one of the few people to publish articles about this New World Order. His description is haunting:

"A One World Government and one-unit monetary system, under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self-select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population.

There will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist. The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simple be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited."

Back to a Feudal system - with an oppressive government. This New World Order is not something to look foward to.

It reminds me of the book 1984 by George Orwell - an government that even controls your thoughts. For anyone who hasn't read it - I would strongly recommend it.

Who is in the New World Order?

The Illuminati are believed to be the head of this New World Order. They refer to 13 families with certain bloodlines that apparently give them superiority over the rest of the population. Most of these families already hold strong positions in governments and corporations such as the Royal English bloodline.

Many large corporations are believed to provide the necessary funding for such a feat. They would be handsomely rewarded by being apart of the select few who do not become the servants.

How will it happen?

It is already happening, perhaps? A chilling quote from a UN official describes the UN's secret role:

"The United Nation’s goal is to reduce population selectively by encouraging abortion, forced sterilization, and control human reproduction, and regards two-thirds of the human population as excess baggage, with 350,000 people to be eliminated per day." Jacques Cousteau, UNESCO Courier, November 1991.

Propaganda and brainwashing by governments and corporations will give people the impression this New World Order is a positive occurrence. Those that do not support it will be dubbed 'outlaws' and free for killing.


The New World Order is a scary possibility. The best real-life example would be Soviet Russia. A hugely oppressive state that killed those who went against it. It is plausible - and it may well be happening. Religious tension is reaching new highs at the moment with Islam angry over a video mocking the prophet Mohammed. This could well be apart of overall plan in reducing the population.
I fear that the New World Order could potentially be being created slowly. However to believe it wholeheartedly would be similar to the faith required in religion - in that (currently) the New World Order is a way of thinking and understanding how the world society works.

Although, it is plausible.

The following sources were used in this research::::
- http://educate-yourself.org/nwo/
- http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/nv2.htm
- http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/newworldindex.htm
- http://www.threeworldwars.com/new-world-order.htm

Ancient Aliens

Ancient Aliens

Aliens have always played a significant role in the human imagination. Their existence itself has been subject to numerous theories as well as multiple eye witness accounts and UFO sightings from around the globe. However, there exists a theory by the name of the ‘ancient astronaut theory’ which believes that humankind has been virtually insipid over the entire course of its development. According to the theory, almost every technological and customary development that even potentially encroaches upon the description of ‘sophisticated’ or ‘smart’ in any way being bestowed upon humankind by aliens.

These beings, of course, were more sophisticated that humankind and guided them through virtually everything. They brought with them superior knowledge of engineering, mathematics and science thousands of years ago and guided our ancestors towards the development of early civilization and ultimately diverted the whole course of humanity. It is in human religion where the fragments of an ancient memory of these visitors lie.

The theory gained prominence in 1968, when the Swiss writer Erich von Daniken published his bestseller ‘Chariots of the Gods?. Daniken is commonly regarded as the father of the ancient alien theory – sometimes called the ancient astronaut theory – just like Herodotus is regarded as the father of history, amongst other things. The majority of the evidence used to support this theory mainly derives from ancient religious texts which speak of human interactions with various gods and heavenly beings that descended from the sky. The Bible and Quran are used heavily, but not as heavily – not even close – as the Sanskrit Mahabarata, which makes its glorious appearance in almost every episode of the documentary series on the theory. The very reliable and promoter of any theory no matter how outrageous History Channel, airs the series.

Physical examples such as artworks and various ancient constructions are the next major source of evidence used. Artworks depicting strange, ambiguous or poorly drawn humans are commonly regarded as being depictions of alien-like beings and various mythological monsters such as Medusa are thought to be cross-bred products created by the visitors. Meanwhile, historical constructions such as Stonehenge are seen to be some sort of alien ship landing site or astronomical calculator, whilst the Pyramids are seen to be kooky machines that produced the gold of the Egyptians. Along with accepting the most fantastical theories regarding certain monuments, ‘ancient astronaut theorists’, as they call themselves,

Finally, the theory states that these alien visitors left numerous remnants in the ancient texts and constructions that foretell of a second coming to Earth. Will they come again? Who knows - given the things people believe nowadays. But of course I believe this! It’s on the History channel after all...

I’m not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens!

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Area 51

The Official Story?

Area 51 is a military base located in Southern Nevada in America. It is considerd to be a military base used for weapons testing and experimental aircraft testing. Area 51 obviously is military therefore everything that is known about the base is very secretive and confidential/classified. For many years due to its secrecy and remote location there have been conspiracies about what actually goes on at the base. The most famous conspiracies are that the base is used to hide or experiment on extra-terrestrial beings and objects. Including autopsies and other probing procedures on Aliens. Many people believe that the base contains UFO's that the US government has retrieved in an attempt to hide the truth about the existance of Aliens from outer space. The area around the base is restricted and the airspace above is restricted to only military use, but by pilots it is called 'the box' or 'the container'. This description only adds to the conspiracy, that the base contains alien objects or aliens themselves.

Over the years there have been hocuses and documentation trying to prove or show evidence of the conspiracies surrounding Area 51. With sightings of strange activties occurring around the base or seeing something strange go to the base but never seen again. Area 51 has also sparked lots of movies, tv shows and books, and public scrutiny which has snowballed the conspiracy theory.

Another interesting point to this conspiracy is the fact that the US government only acknowleged the existance of Area 51 in 1995, only after years previously denying its existance, Why lie about a military base existing? Why was this particular military base lied about for so many years? Maybe they have something to hide? Area 51 is also off limits to normal military personnel, if you trespass onto Area 51 there is a sanction that allows the private security guards to use deadly force. Many people who have trespassed have had follow up visits from the FBI. The area is also buried by motion sensors which blurs any image taken of the area.Many ex-military personnel who worked on experiments at the base have said that their experimental aircraft could be mistaken for UFO's.


My Opinion:

Basically it is a classified military base and due to its secrecy the publics imaginations have gone into hyperdrive. When people can't explain something they can't see they make something up that sounds just and plausible, Area 51 is just that a solution to unasnwered questions. The US government doesn't help the conspiracy but its military so they aren't going to explain it because its classified, which just increases the conjecture about the real activties that occur at the base.


Tuesday 9 October 2012



The mystery of Atlantis has intrigued humankind for thousands of years, ever since its first mention by the Greek philosopher Plato in the 4th century BC. There has been much debate as to whether or not the island and sometimes city ever existed, and there are countless theories about its location; it would not be false to say that every time submerged ruins or the like are found anywhere in the world, there is always someone quick to call ‘Atlantis!’.

Plato introduces Atlantis in his dialogue ‘Timaeus’, which discusses the physical world, which is subject to change and death, and the eternal world which stays the same and is apprehended by reason.

‘For it is related in our record how once upon a time your State stayed the course of a might host, which, starting from a distance point in the Atlantic ocean, was insolently advancing to attack the whole of Europe, and Asia to boot. For the ocean there was at that time navigable; for in front of the mouth which you Greeks call, as you say, ‘the pillars of Heracles,’ there lay an island which was larger then Libya and Asia together; and it was possible for the travellers of that time to cross from it to the other islands, and from the islands to the whole continent over against them which encompasses that veritable ocean. For all that we have here, lying within the mouth of which we speak, is evidently a haven having a narrow entrance; but that yonder is a real ocean, and the land surrounding it may most rightly be called, in the fullest and truest sense, a continent. Now in this island of Atlantis there are existed a confederation of kings, of great and marvellous power, which held sway over all the island, and over many islands also parts of the continent.’ (Plato, Timaeus, 24e – 25a).

This indicates that Atlantis was thought to exist beyond the ‘Pillars of Heracles’, which is the Gibraltar Strait, and in the Atlantic Ocean. Diodorus Siculus mentions something similar, ‘a large island in the Atlantic Ocean, beyond the Pillars of Hercules, several days’ sail from the coast of Africa.’ Plato speaks more about the place in his dialogue ‘Critias’, where he states that Poseidon and his sons had dominion over the island and that the Atlantean Empire had that organised an attack against the east, conquering Libya (Africa) as far as Egypt and Europe as far as Tyrrhenia (Etruria). He tells us that Athenians led an alliance against then in response, which fell apart as they alone prevailed against the Atlanteans and liberated the occupied lands.

‘But at a later time there occurred portentous earthquakes and floods, and one grievous day and night befell them, when the whole body of your warriors was swallowed up by the earth, and the island of Atlanis in like manner was swallowed up by the sea and vanished; wherefore also the ocean at that spot has now become impassable and unsearchable, being blocked up by the shoal mud which the island created as it settled down.’

There are numerous theories concerning the location of the island. Some believe that it was the Greek island Thera (Santorini) before the volcano there erupted and annihilated half the island, all its settlements and the coast of Crete. Others think it lies somewhere near the Bahamas. There is another theory that links the Burmuda Triangle with the lost city of Atlantis. The famed psychic is Edgar Cayce predicted that the western edge of the city would be discovered near and around the coast of the Bimini district of the Bahamas. Surely enough, the ‘Bimini Road’ was discovered there in 1968. The sunken Yonaguni megalith in Japan is another candidate, as well as the countless sunken cities in the Meditarranean such as the Greek city of Helike and the Iberian city of Tartessus.

It appears that a US-led research team is the latest to express a definite location of the city, which they believe is in Spain.

Regardless, we will never know for certain where Atlantis is located. What makes it worse is that Plato claims that Atlantis suck 9000 years before his own time. The ancient Greeks had such a hazy memory of their own past that they had no idea their own Mycenaean heritage. Thus, can we really trust Plato? Perhaps.


Monday 8 October 2012



Wingdings is a font in Microsoft Word, and some other comaptible programs. It completely uses icons instead of letters. If you type up a sentence and change it to Wingdings, symbols or icons replace the letters. There have been a couple of versions of Wingdings over the years. Some of the symbols used are religious, zodiac star signs and just common gestures, like directing arrows.

Wingdings Version 1

Everybody knows that Wingdings is a novelity font. its for fun! Used to make jokes. It is very handy for hiding the real words in an important document, which you can then change the font to read. If you are really keen some people use it as a way of communicating, by using the font like a code.

Wingdings Version 2

There have been two accounts of conspiracy surrounding the Wingdings font, the first was in the late ninetes when the first Wingdings font when translating 'NYC' became a skull, then Star of David, then proceeded with a thumbs up. This was believed to be on purpose to many conspirers, or too many others a mere conicidence. But nonetheless it caused a huge stir and outrage, and people believed the translation was on purpose or a hidden message to Jewish people.


The conspiracy around the font really catapulted after the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks in 2001, when the font when used created hidden messages, so people believed. For example the alleged flight number of one of the planes used in the terrorits attacks 'Q33 NY' when placed into Wingdings, translated to a plane then to rectangles, that were to people who perscribed to this conspiracy represented the two twin towers. The creators deny this, and then it turned out that all the flight numbers were completely different to the one Wingdings conspirers believed. At this time in history, this sort of conspiracy feed right into the fear that was created from the events of 9/11.

In my opinion this just played right into the fear of people at the time and the already continued the discrimination towards Jewish people, i beleive it was just coincidence. And believe too many people have too much time on their hands to come up with these sort of conspiracies, you don't always have to make something out of something else because you can. There are over 26 symbols in just one Wingdings font of 3 different versions of the font, with a number of religious symbols its just conincidence that those particular letters matched those symbols. Wingdings was not made with the intent of a conspiracy or secret code, to particular people in society. At least thats what i believe!

Wingdings Version 3


Sunday 7 October 2012

The Gunpowder Plot

The Gunpowder Plot

The Gunpowder Plot was a scheme devised by a ring of Catholics in 1605 to blow up the Protestant King James I of England and VI of Scotland on the state opening of the Parliament. Lately, English Catholics had become discontent with that there was going to be another Protestant monarch and this was only exacerbated when James I passed a law that imposed heavy fines on people who did not attend Protestant church services.

The schemers included Robert Catesby, Guy Fawkes, Thomas Winter, John Wright and Thomas Percy. Fawkes had expertise in handling explosives after serving with the Spanish army for a time in Holland. Their train of thought was that the murder of the King would lead to a Catholic King taking the throne.
A cellar that lay directly beneath the House of Parliament was leased and the group stored it with about 20 barrels of gunpowder which were provided by Fawkes. Rallying for more supporters of their plot, Francis Tresham, whose brother-in-law Lord Monteagle was a Parliament member, joined the group. Settling on the date of the 5th of November to set off the explosives, Tresham sent Monteagle a letter imploring him not to attend Parliament on that day.

Monteagle went to the authorities with the letter and an immediate search of the Houses of Parliament was commissioned. This led to the discovery of Fawkes who guarded the cellar with the explosives, and under torture, he revealed the other conspirators. Catesby and Percy were killed whilst resisting their arrest, and the others were executed for treason after being tried.

There is debate relating to whether the group was actually responsible for the plot or that they, as Catholics, were framed by the Protestant king.
Arguments that it was a Catholic plot:
v  All those involved were Catholics.
v  Fawkes was an expert in explosives and had recently just returned to England (perhaps solely for setting up the explosives).
v  Tresham only thought to save his brother-in-law instead of the whole Parliament.
v  Gunpowder is not normally kept under the Parliament.
v  Fawkes revealed names of his fellow conspirators.
Arguments that it was a Protestant framing:
v  Many modern historians believe that King James I’s chief minister, Robert Cecil, framed the Catholic group because he wanted to portray Catholics in general as against England.
v  Tresham may have been working for Cecil.
v  Cecil is quoted as saying ‘...we cannot hope to have good government while large numbers of people (Catholics) go around obeying foreign rulers (The Pope).’
v  Monteagle received the letter at night and coincidentally on the only night in that year which stayed at home.
v  All gunpowder supplies were kept in the Tower of London.
v  A fried of Cecil rented the cellar out.
v  Tresham was the only conspirator not to be put to death.
v  The signature on Fawkes’ confession did not match his real signature.

Saturday 6 October 2012

The Freemasons

The Freemasons are not secretive like the other group who are often mentioned as promoting a New world order - the Illuminati
This group does actually exist and they do not hide it.

Who/what are the Freemasons?

The Freemasons are a brotherhood/fraternity of men under God. Their main purpose is to make good men better and practice the three 'principal tenets' of Masonry - brotherly love, relief and truth.

It is supposedly one of the oldest and largest 'fraternities' throughout the entirety of history. The bonds of friendship, compassion and brotherly love have survived some of the most dangerous military, religion and political disputes throughout the ages.

Freemasonry projects their beliefs through the actions of its members. Respectable citizens of their country of residence that conform to moral laws and those set out by the government they live under. This organization of men promotes charity and 'good works' that are suggested to be the 'world's greatest philanthropists.

"The mission of Masonry is the building of the ideal Temple and he who is a true Mason works to the plan of that Temple. He has to build himself and thereby contribute to the building of humanity. How to live is a problem each of us must solve."

They are divided across the world in 'lodges'. These Lodges are run like businesses with meetings, charity work, minutes, AGMs and other business elements.

Becoming a member only requires you to be: male, over the age of 18, belief in a Supreme being, a good moral character and that the individual must request to become a Freemason (not under anyone else's influence)

What do they do?

The Freemasons believe they are on a grand mission to better the world. Apart from the 3 tenets mentioned earlier, the Masons role is to:
  • Promote good ethics - such as honor, compassion and trust
  • Promote tolerance - including religious, ethinic, cultural, social and educational variations
  • Engage in personal growth - the pursuit of knowledge, spirituality, ethics and leadership
  • Carry out philanthropy - engage and donate to the community, also includes volunteering
  • Be a good member of your family - protect spouses, parents, siblings, children etc. and aid them whenever neccessary
  • Promote freedom - ensure liberty and the protection of the rights to freedom of speech, religion and expression

They carry all of these out by acting themselves. The Freemasons become shining lights in the community and aim to set the example which all can follow and hopefully achieve.

Notable Freemasons

Being far more open about membership, some notable Freemasons include:
  • Sir Winston Churchill - former English PM
  • Buffalo Bill - famous Indian scout
  • Gerald Ford - former US President
  • Edgar Hoover - former head of the FBI
  • Rudyard Kipling - English Nobel Prize winning writer
  • Mark Twain - famous American writer
  • Steve Wozniak - co-founder of Apple


The Freemasons are a real entity - and they do not hide it. Whether they engage in other secret activities which they do not like to mention we can not say. What is true is that the Freemasons appear (at the very least) to have good intentions. They do maintain a belief in the supernatural and a supreme being - but with their charitable work and good deeds, they appear to be aiding humanity as opposed to hindering its progress.

The following websites were used in the formation of this research/blog (feel free to comment):
- http://www.durham.net/~cedar/famous.html
- http://freemasonry.org/
- http://www.wisdomlodge202.org/intro_to_masonry.htm



Stonehenge has presented us with endless fields of possibility for our curiosity and minds to explore. The mystery of these enchanting stones all assembled in a specific way has given rise to many explanations considering their purpose and just how they got there.

The first stage of construction dates from about 3100BC, when a circular bank and ditch enclosure were made of chalk. Bones of various animals and flint tools were placed in the depressions. At about 2600BC, the builders began using stone instead of wood for their constructions and this is when the bluestones were placed. The heelstone may have been erected at this time as well as two to three portal stones, of which only one remains, and the four station stones. From this period to 2400BC, 30 massive sarsen stones were brought to the area from a quarry about 40km away. These were erected in a circle and pairs were topped with lintel stones. Within this circle, five trilithons were arranged in the shape of a horseshoe and ‘daggers’ and ‘axeheads’ were carved into some of the stones. From 2280BC to 1930BC saw the rearrangement of the bluestones. The altar stone may also have been moved into the centre of the circle at this time.

The year 1600BC saw the last small changes to the site and it was probably used lastly during the Iron Age. It is not known if it was continual usage. There is an opening in the northeast of the monument that suggests that the solstice and the equinox played a pivotal role in the significance of religious life and rituals at the time. For during the summer solstice when the sun rises close to the heelstone, the rays shine into the centre of the site and betwixt the horseshoe arrangement.


There is a tradition that inextricably links Stonehenge to the mystical and mysterious people known as the Celts. It is thought that the structure is associated with the Druids, the chief religious leaders of the Celts of Britain. Thoughts have ranged from the use of the formation as a place where human sacrifice was performed to a place where worship of the gods took place.

The source of the stones has been deduced by scientists to have come from a quarry in Wales. Fairly enough, there are numerous questions concerning how whoever constructed Stonehenge transported such gargantuan blocks from Wales to the Wiltshire. There exists a local legend that the blocks once levitated into place, and supporters of the ancient astronaut theory have pounced on this tale. They believe that the stones were arranged by extraterrestrials wishing to give humans some sort of astronomical knowledge. Some have thought the site to be a primitive computer, whilst other theories that it an observatory for analysing the stars and predicting the seasons. Others maintain it to be a landing site for alien spaceships.

However the sexiest theory that concerns the monument comes from the perky gynaecologist Anthony Perks, who believes that it has something to do with sexual rituals associated with the Mother Goddess. According to him, at a specific time a shadow is cast from the outer stones and which strikes the centre stone, which has a crack in its face he compared to the human female vagina. Hence, he believes when this long and thin shadow is cast over this centre stone it is symbolic of a heavenly penetration between the Mother Goddess and her male mate. The insertion of the Mother Goddess into this theory comes from the presumption that her presence, which has its origins in the Levant and Anatolia, spread all the way across Europe and into Britain during the Neolithic period. However, no evidence of her presence in terms of the archaeological record or of the Roman accounts exists to support this presumption, and the oldest presence of the Mother Goddess on European soil was introduced into Greece by their settlements in Anatolia under the name of Cybele in the 6th century BC. Still, he believes that the concentric circles represent the female anatomy and the place where plants and animals were given birth to.

Thursday 4 October 2012


Official Story:

Bigfoot or Sasquatch as it is known as well, is an Ape-like creature that according to witnesses inahbits the Pacific Northwest Region of North America. Commonly known for its big footprints that it has left behind in that region and its large size, contributes to the folklore that is Bigfoot. Very similar to theLoch Ness Moster in its creation has come from folklore and the conspiracy is prompted by photos and eye witness accounts to spark the conspiracy of Bigfoot existing.

What happened?

People started to capture images of what they considered to be Bigfoot, people also started finding large footprints.This prompted people to try and capture proper evidence of the creatures existance. Many people believe that people started contributiong to the conspiracy by playing hocuses, like creating footprints and making fake images, making the legend bigger than what it was. Dr Jane Goodall says that it is not conclusive to rule out the possibility of Bigfoot, existiing. People claim to have seen and or heard Bigfoot, just roaming around the forest, but no one has seen him up close, just from a distance.

Eyewitness Accounts:

1941: Jeannie Chapman and her children said they had escaped their home when a 7.5 feet (2.3 m) tall Sasquatch approached their residence in Ruby Creek, British Columbia.
1924: Prospector Albert Ostman claimed to have been abducted by Sasquatch and held captive by the creatures in British Columbia.
2007: On September 16, 2007, hunter Rick Jacobs captured an image of a supposed Sasquatch by using an automatically triggered camera attached to a tree, prompting a spokesperson for the Pennsylvania Game Commission to say that it was likely an image of "a bear with a severe case of mange." The photo was taken near the town of Ridgway, Pennsylvania, in the Allegheny National Forest.

The Proof?

My Opinion?

There is a possibility of Bigfoot existing, abnormally large animals have been found before and sighted in interesting parts of the world, so it is possible. Although i do find it difficult to comprehend that an Ape would inhabit in North America, when it is not its natural habitat. Again this sparks tourism and intrigue, so if its real i hope the observers give Bigfoot his or her space and, do not frighten the animal.



Wednesday 3 October 2012

The Moon Landing

Personally - I do believe we landed on the moon many years ago. There is much evidence to suggest that we, as part of humanity, made it to the Moon. The possible conspiracy that we did not is implausible and its claims are easily refuted.

The Space Race


Following the end of World War 2 - there was what was known as a 'power vacuum'. The two great super powers, capitalist America and communist USSR, played out the 'Cold War'. No declarations of war were sent, but espionage, distrust, nuclear weapons and military intervention in smaller countries helped generate strong tensions between one another.

As apart of this long Cold War - was the Space Race. The race to the moon. Russia had the jump on the USA. Soviet Russia managed to get a space probe to hit the moon in 1959 and had Yuri Gagarin orbit the earth in 1961.

So after a mad dash, the US finally landed some men (Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin) on the moon on the 16th July, 1969.
Michael Collins remained in the spacecraft until they had finished and then began the trip back to earth.

Now to the conspiracy.

The Conspiracy

The most advocated conspiracy is that the US Moon landing was filmed in a studio. Conspiracists have generated a variety of evidence that would seem to suggest the Moon landing was filmed in a controlled setting to generate the desired effect. The following are numbered so you can match the conspiracy with the proof that debunks it under the 'facts' section.

  1. Flag is waving - how could it possibly be waving when there is no atmosphere or wind on the Moon?
  2. No cameras - who took the photo of the reflection in the visor of the astronaut?
  3. No stars - why is there no comment or evidence of the stars being seen whilst on the Moon?
  4. No landing crater - if there was a space craft that had landed on the Moon, why is there no crater to prove it?
  5. Footprints are too clear - a hard surface like the Moon would make it difficult to generate a large, clear, footprint

The Facts

 Now for the facts that disprove the conspiracy.

  1. The flag pole was bent and moved as the astronauts twisted the pole into the Moon's surface
  2. The cameras were attached to the individuals space suits - and thus, did not need to carry cameras
  3. The light from the Sun reflects off the Moon's surface and makes it difficult to see stars
  4. Unlike as portrayed in the movies, spacecraft touches down relatively softly as not to disturb the surface
  5. The surface of the moon is actually more like a volcanic ash or dust which meant the footprint was quite possible

Although not linked to the 5 points above, the fact that a vast quantity of moon rocks was brought back to Earth which were hugely different to that of rocks on Earth further supports the plausibility that man did make it to the Moon.


At a first glance, you can see where the conspiracy comes from. Occurrences such as a waving flag which should not wave in a vacuum and a footprint that could not possibly penetrate the Moon's surface.
However, on closer inspection, we see that there is much more evidence to suggest that the Moon Landing was quite real - and a remarkable achievement by humanity.

(Please feel free to comment)

- http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2001/ast23feb_2/
- http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2009/07/photogalleries/apollo-moon-landing-hoax-pictures/#
- http://www.history.com/topics/space-race

Tuesday 2 October 2012

The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle

It is one of the most mysterious places that the world has to offer human thought and imagination. The Bermuda Triangle has been notorious for holding responsibility for the disappearance of countless vessels, aircraft and people over the last century, and many theorise as to why this particular spot in the Atlantic Ocean has had such a profound effect on nautical and aerial navigations. Theories that currently exist present differing degrees of believability, however one should decide out of their own assessment of the information concerning the Bermuda Triangle as to which theory they agree with and should not be intimidated into thinking a certain way unless sound and solid evidence legitimises that way of thinking.

The chief incident that has drawn much attention to the area is when in the year 1945, five U.S. Navy Avengers went missing. Better known under the name of Flight 19, this group of aircraft set out on their flight in clear weather and under the control of five greatly experienced pilots. Shortly afterwards, the command tower began receiving distress signals from the group indicating that they had gotten lost and that their compasses had ceased functioning. The flight never returned and investigations into the incident by the Navy failed to uncover any clues as to their disappearance.
Another lost ship is the S.S. Marine Sulphur Queen, which was a large tanker heading for Virginia from Texas. On board there was 15,000 tons of sulphur in molten form and sitting in heated tanks. The 3rd February 1963 was the last communication the ship had with the mainland.
In 1965 the crew of Plane 680 of the Air Force Reserve Command’s 440th Airlift Wing left Milwaukee on the Yankee Route, heading for Grand Turk Island which lies in the Bahamas. After stopping in Florida, they continued towards their destination, however they never reached it. The odd thing was that there were no signs of trouble within the communications, and that there was a maintenance crew on board. Some debris was found, however this could have been offloaded cargo.

These various unexplained disappearances have provoked speculations that the area within the triangle has connections of an otherworldly nature. Some have thought there to be some portal to another world somewhere within the perimeters, provoked in this way of thinking by the strange coincidence that the area has the highest incidences of UFO sightings. In turn, the area has quickly come to be commonly associated with aliens. The locations of wormholes have been speculated to exist at the entrances to blue holes.

There is another theory that links the Bermuda Triangle with the lost city of Atlantis. Through this theory the explanation of the disappearances comes from the effects of the lost advanced technologies of the Atlanteans, hidden beneath the waves and functioning without control. This theory was put forward by the much renowned psychic Edgar Cayce, who predicted that the western edge of the city would be discovered near and around the coast of Bimini district of the Bahamas. Surely enough, the ‘Bimini Road’ was discovered there in 1968. It was deemed as a naturally occurring structure at first, however there is some evidence arguing that the stones were placed their positions intentionally. Cayce himself claimed that while scuba diving, he found an underwater pyramid, entered it and discovered a crystal which he thought had supernatural properties. It is thought that these crystals were utilised by the Atlanteans in connection with their advanced technology and that these crystals emit some type of rays that interfere with the compasses of vessels and aircraft and disintegrate them in general. From marrying this theory with the alien theory, some have proposed that the Atlanteans themselves were an alien race from the Pleiades star cluster.

Another theory comes from Rob MacGregor and Bruce Gernon and was propagated into the spotlight through their book ‘The Fog: A Never Before Published Theory of the Buemuda Triangle Phenomenon’. According to their account, they experienced what they described as an ‘electric fog’ while flying over the Bermuda Triangle in the year 1970. On their way to Bimini, their plane was supposedly engulfed by a round-edged cloud from the Miami shoreline. They attempted to outfly the cloud, which seemed to be spreading and matching their speed, until they realised that they were in some type of tunnel. The navigational instruments ceased to function at that moment. Gernon made contact with the Air Traffic Control in Miami, who said that a plane could be seen over Miami. Gernon dismissed the notion that this was his plane, for it normally took 75 minutes to get to Miami and it had been 47 minutes. Suddenly, the cloud began to fade away and the navigational instruments resumed functioning. Gernon realises he was in fact directly over Miami and came to the conclusion that this ‘electric fog’ had given him a taste of time travel.
