Which of these conspiracies do you think possible?

Wednesday 26 September 2012

The 'Terrorist Attacks' of 9/11

Before starting - I want to acknowledge that the deaths that resulted from the actions on 9/11 were real.
Our cause is to bring to the light the conspiracy (and for many, the hidden truth) surrounding that fateful day.

Now - the official story goes something like this:

According the US government; on the morning of 9/11, 19 hijackers - under the authority of Osama Bin Laden and on a holy mission against the United states - took control of 4 commercial airliners. Two of them hit the two World Trade Centre towers, one was flown into the Pentagon, and the last one was wrestled back by the passengers and flew into the forest.
*Also of note, is that the WTC building 7 was also destroyed by a fire that was supposedly started as a result of shrapnel from the other two

Now for the elements of the conspiracy theories that question the official story.

Collapse of the Twin Towers

Pancake Theory
Buildings that have plans flown into them do not fall straight down. Engineers and architects across the world have questioned how a plane that hits close to the top of the tower, results in the collapse of an entire skyscraper. If they had fallen in a 'pancake' fashion, there would have been concrete and rubble all around - instead we were left with dust.

The following is footage of WTC Tower 1 falling down:

Take note of the vast amount of dust and smoke that erupts from all sides as they collapse.

The following is a controlled implosion at Fort Worth (skipping to 0:30 will take you to a few seconds before it begins):

This controlled demolition looks rather like the tower falling down - does it not?

There is also documentation indicating that there were hotspots in the rubble of the towers - hotspots that were far greater the temperature than that of the temperatures generated when burning jet fuel.

So with this in mind - what could possibly have caused the collapse of the towers?


The most suggested explosive used is 'thermite' as it could have disintegrated the concrete and all the office materials inside, generated the temperatures uncovered in the rubble and would also explain the metallic substances that were found in the rubble.

Having this amount of proof indicates that the Twin Towers were brought down using controlled demolition.

But terrorists couldn't possibly have enough access to the two towers to plant all these explosives you say?


Who else had enough access to the WTC towers to plant the explosives?

The Pentagon


Following the 'plane' flying into the Pentagon, the evidence was cleared up at a quick pace. FBI agents scoured the area collecting debris - not making details which could have helped with the investigation.

It is also rather convenient that the 'terrorists' flew the plane into a part of the Pentagon which was under renovation. Rather than fly it into one of the more important sections such as the the office of Donald Rumsfield, the Secretary of Defence, who was safe on the other side of the building.

The only footage of the alleged plane flying into the Pentagon was two security cameras which do not clearly show the plane at all. The other footage that would have shown the plane was collected from nearby buildings and petrol stations.

Leaked footage suggests that there was possibly a missile rather than a plane - which would fit in with the fact that the hole made by the 'plane' was much smaller than what should have occurred.

The questions of what caused the damage - and why was an almost empty section of the Pentagon targeted; raise suspicions and cover the attack on the Pentagon under a cloak of mystery.

World Trade Centre Building 7

The WTC Building 7 fell in much the same way as the Twin Towers - only it didn't have a plane flown into it. Supposedly, debris is said to have flown off from the initial hit on the towers. However, building 7 is separated from the towers by building 6.

There was indeed fires on some of the lower levels of the building. However, this does not explain how the penthouse fell first - followed by the rest of the building; like the WTC - into itself.

Puffs of dust were also seen as in the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers.

Again - as seen in the towers, the steel was destroyed. No steel structure has ever collapsed as a result of fire. The steel would needed to be heated to around 800 degrees celcius and even then, there would still be many remnants of the steel amongst the rubble.
There wasn't

So WTC Building 7 was also brought down by demolition - who has such access to the other WTC buildings?

Flight 93 - Crashed or Shot?

The official story says that the plane was hijacked - and then passengers fought back to take over the controls. In doing so, the plane crashed down into a rural area in a strip mine.

However, there is much evidence to suggest that the plane was shot down.

Eyewitnesses indicate they saw a jet chasing the plane, that weird engine noises were heard and that the plane dropped vertically soon after.

These are all consistent with the notion that the plane was intercepted by a jet. What reinforces this notion is that debris was found miles away from the crash site. If the plane had been commandeered by the passengers and then crashed - why would there be debris in places miles away from the main crash site?

Other Discrepancies

Following is a simple list of other facts that should send warning signals to those who believe the official story.

  • The hijacked flights took long winded routes - exposing them to possible interception (which was highly possible)
  • A paper trail of great length was uncovered within hours of the attacks - but the 'terrorists' supposedly eluded all authorities for years
  • The FBI 'found' a passport from one of the planes that flew into the towers, quite remarkable considering that all that remained of the plane was a few landing gear fragments
  • Several hijackers were found alive after the attack - and the information put out by the FBI matched their personal details
  • The fanatical Muslim hijackers supposedly ventured into strip clubs using credit cards - despite their religion (which they 'followed to the death') not allowing such action
  • The video of Osama Bin Laden confessing to the attacks does not look like him when compared to videos where it is known that it is him


The collapse of the WTC Twin Towers and Building 7 were, without a doubt, brought down by explosives. The attack on the Pentagon is shrouded in mystery which screams cover-up. The holes in the story of Flight 93 are huge and question the accuracy of the entire stories Once accepting this fact there is three possibilities - it was either the:
  • the most well-planned, clever, accurate and devastating terrorist act ever committed by Islamic terrorist groups
  • OR
  • the most well-planned, clever, accurate and devastating act of state terrorism carried out by the US government
  • OR
  • a more secretive act by powerful and unknown forces - perhaps a New World Order, the Illuminati or money-hungry corporations
You decide: crafty terrorists, power-hungry government or secretive forces beyond our knowledge.

As mentioned earlier - regardless of who caused this, senseless, tragic, horrifying event changed the course of history.
(Please feel free to comment below)


Detailed Conspiracy Facts and Figures: http://911research.wtc7.net/ (Highly recommended for anyone who wishes to explore further)

The Zeitgeist 9/11 Videos:

Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth: http://www.ae911truth.org/en/home.html

Government Commission into 9/11: http://www.9-11commission.gov/

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