Which of these conspiracies do you think possible?

Thursday 27 September 2012

The Illuminati

The Illuminati and one of the other conspiracies investigated - the New World Order - are interconnected.
This post is to be focused on what the Illuminati is, who is in it and its plausibility.

It is extremely difficult to give concrete evidence which proves there is such a group as the Illuminati - a deep suspicion and critique of current society is required to understand other parts of our current society that may prove their is this elusive group.

What is the Illuminati?


In modern society, it is refers to the supposed 'real world government' that essentially runs the world. It is a secretive society of some of the most influential individuals in the world who are generally members and leaders of governments or senior officials in large corporations.

The term 'Illuminati' is derived from the Bavarian Illuminati who did exist and during the Enlightenment era which was formed by Jesuit Adam Weishaupt. They were intent on progressing society - but in their own, distorted, fashion.

It is suggested elements of the Illuminati survived laws from the monarchy that banned societies not sanctioned by the King.

This is believed to be the modern Illuminati. They supposedly have a some special or superior knowledge that they feel makes them the elite of society.

What do they do?

Control everything. They aim to make money and control all the important political decisions of the world in an attempt to better themselves - generally materialistically.

Following is a list of the things that may be aspects controlled by the Illuminati:
  • Religion: convincing huge amounts of people to follow certain beliefs is the perfect tool for control for a world government. Different religions also grant the ability to help cause tensions and generate reasons for war - to target certain things that do not fit in with the plan.
  • Wars: there is evidence to suggest that bankers helped support World War I through sending money and resources to neutral countries which indirectly made its way to Germany and are allegedly attempting to generate a World War 3 to take control of world oil supplies
  • Banking and Money: the Illuminati symbol of the pyramid and the eye is features on the American dollar and the corrupt system of banking which toys with people's income and savings to the benefit of the advantaged
The video below goes into more depth about how the Illuminati are (or are going to) attain greater power.

Members of the Illuminati

There is supposedly a committee of 300 people who are apart of this elite group - the full list (as of September 2010) is in the links below.
Most notable of these include:
  • Queen Elizabeth II (the leader)
  • Tony Blair - former leader of the UK
  • Warren Buffet - billionaire and philanthropist
  • Mikhail Gorbachev - former USSR leader
  • Rupert Murdoch - media magnate
  • Nicolas Sarkozy - then current leader of the French republic

These various people are neither confirmed or denied - as no official or formal list of the Illuminati is known.



We can not possibly know or understand this possible Illuminati group exists. I am personally unsure about the presence of an Illuminati. More evidence is required and proof is needed to be validated. If it is being hidden it needs to be published to enlighten the rest of society.
Believing in the Illuminati with our current knowledge is like an ideology in that it helps explain the world affairs and help us to understand what is going on. In much the same way as the Abrahamic religions see God as the controller of all things - it is possible to understand our current society by viewing world events as being controlled by the Illuminati.
Until we uncover more evidence - this conspiracy remains hidden behind the veil of mystery.

Are the Illuminati real? Are they just greedy? Or do they have more sinister motives in mind?
(Please let us know  your thoughts in the comment section below)


- http://www.illuminati-news.com/index.htm
- http://socioecohistory.wordpress.com/2012/04/23/current-membership-list-of-the-illuminati-committee-of-300/
- http://one-evil.org/entities_organizations/evil_org_illuminati.htm

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